Join In The Journey

Welcome to my Blog. In this blog I hope to document my journey as an artist. I have been creating all my life and have tried many artistic ventures but always I come back to painting and drawing. It is now time to really focus on this true passion; to grow, learn, expand, and develop as an artist. I will be posting works in progress, the ups and downs and hopefully some successes. I hope you Join my Journey

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sticking with it.

A couple of weeks ago I started a painting that, although the photo was quite unique, it didn't inspire me greatly. This also coincided with having to put our 17 year old Roxy down, so my mood wasn't about painting. The other day I came into my studio with a great need to paint and having nothing else on the go I put out my paints and went at it. The whole time telling myself it would be okay if I just turned it to the wall as a cast off. It is a landscape of sorts, I struggle with landscapes. It's mostly a bunch of greens, I struggle with greens. I started having fun with the shapes of green amongst the shadows and I am starting to like the painting and it looks quite promising. Still lots of time and room to ruin it but so far so good. Sometimes it is good to push through a painting that seems more like a task than a passion. It hones skill and demonstrates professionalism. Not all paintings need to be masterpieces but all paintings need to be painted. I will post a photo when the painting is closer to being finished.